Luke Wilcox is a math teacher and teacher leader based out of West Michigan. He graduated from the University of Michigan with a teaching degree in math and physics and did his graduate work at Grand Valley State University. Luke’s teaching has been recognized with the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) and was most recently honored as the 2017-2018 Michigan Teacher of the Year.
Luke teaches at the #1 most diverse high school in the state, which has recently made the extraordinary transition from being a priority school to four years later being recognized as an Academic State Champion for high schools with below average incomes. Outside of the classroom, Luke works to help support teachers in their professional growth. He has served in several leadership roles, including work as an Academic Support Coach, Math Department Chairperson, and a member of the school leadership team. He has also developed the Rising Teacher Leaders group - an intense mentorship and support program for new teachers in his school.
In the bigger world of math education, Luke has been involved in the development of several statistics textbooks and is currently writing the Teacher’s Edition for The Practice of Statistics, the most widely used AP Statistics book in the country. He also maintains TheStatsMedic, a website dedicated to helping math teachers become better statistics teachers. Luke has presented at many national math conferences and does AP Statistics trainings throughout the country.
Currently Luke is working hard to grow and develop teacher leaders within the education community. He knows that successful schools need teachers actively involved in the planning, decision making, and activation of initiatives within the school. He advocates for hybrid teacher/leader positions in schools in order to promote organic, sustainable improvement. He is currently working with Van Andel Education Institute to develop a powerful training program for teachers that want to increase their leadership skills and influence.